Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday. Not FRYday.

I am linking up with some of my favorite blogs for the 5 most random thoughts that are in my mind at this time. Simple enough for me!

One. Whole30
Here is the main idea. (Yes, Friday and not FRYday!) I am on Day 13 right now. I feel super wonderful. I will have to post on this all on its own. Yesterday I was ready to bash some heads. Luckily I kept that under control with an amazing dinner of bison burgers and this super amazing coffee recipe that I found in the book, It Starts With Food.

Two. Morning runs.

I am officially a morning person. This is HUGE for me! If you are thinking about joining a group run, I 100% recommend that! I was superrrrr nervous about running with people but it has for sure been a game changer. Some amazing ladies are part of this group and we keep each other accountable. Plus, this makes my day so much better! I am loving it. Even in the freezing cold temps!

Three. Wallpaper confession.
I think I am in love with wallpaper. Whattttttt? I remember saying, "Who uses wallpaper?ugh... such a pain! SO tacky!" NOOOOO! I think I am loving the crazy prints thanks to HGTV. I think this summer we may finally wallpaper our kitchen.... I think I have lost my mind.

Four. I think I'm a hippie.
Not like 100%... but y'all... I am seriously falling in love with the simple/ natural way of life. Seriously. I am now obsessed with the research and literature out there about our generations diet/ medicine consumption/ and other crazy not so positive things our generation is known for. (I've been reading a ton of literature behind vaccinations.) Yes, I am officially THAT PERSON. Did I just lose friends?

Five. Excuses.
Excuses are about to drive me crazy. Literally. I think in my old age I am starting to notice things that REALLY REALLY bother me. This is currently number 1.

Love love,

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