Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Is it Friday?

Just some Tuesday Tidbits for you reading pleasure. Although I have nothing of great importance to blog about, and I just went on a minor rant about only blogging about things with great passion… I instantly break my newly made rule to bring you nothing of great importance. I do however, love sharing all the absolute randomness of my life. Maybe I will add an amendment to the rule and still allow myself to inform you on all of the hoopla in the Life of Carley. Ok? Sure.

Friday night was our <last> football game. I would like to go on the record and say that GHSA really had no idea what they were doing with this “Power Ranking” business! Oh, you have no idea what I am talking about? Well, we were 6-4. We were 3rd in our Region. 2 teams that we beat, they get to go to the playoffs, and we do not. Yeah. I will save the heartfelt rant for someone else. (Sorry to all the coaches at the wedding that had to hear me vent about this.)

I am sad that football is over. It is seriously a way of life around here. I have no idea what I am going to do with my Friday nights now. I am also sad to be losing my Sunday afternoons. Tears may be filling my eyes as I type. It will not be the same camping out in the bedroom with the little T.V. as I watch Lifetime movies…. The big T.V. is just better…
I wanted to share a few of the pictures from the game. I love my husband, and the passion he shows on the field. 

My husband now has wrestling practice daily, and seriously a tournament every single weekend from now until the middle of February. He came home smelling like a foot. He quickly informed me that he was wrestling with some of the guys to give them practice. Yeah… the life we live. There are no words. My husband now wears wrestling shoes…. Yikes.
More of the weekend recaps:
Saturday my husband left me for a “Men Weekend” with his BFF. I have decided not to make too big of a fuss about all of these weekends that these two men go on. I have also decided to save all the trips that they go on, and plan one BIG MONSTER “Ladies Only Weekend.” I am thinking Mexico. Shannon?? Any ideas? You agree? How many trips have they been on? Oh yes, enough to pull the card for a MacDaddy trip. 

Coach went to the GA game, I went to Jefferson. My cousin’s son had his 1st birthday party. I love his sweet smile! I also love the fact that I got to spend time with my sweet family. Then Saturday night I went to a wedding. It was absolutely beautiful! There was not a detail left out. The reception was actually at the same place our reception was. It was nice to revisit! (As a guest!) It also made me soooo ready to help my sweet friends plan for their big days. Beth? BJ? 



Aunt Doni

Bentley. The sweet Birthday Boy! #sweetestsmileever!

Sunday was my favorite day of the weekend. I was able to go home to Southside. Listening to Jeff makes so much sense. He seems to always preach on topics that need at the time. It is a clear representation that God sees all of our struggles and wants to lead us through them. I cannot express my love for that church. I think that it is safe to say, it is one of the biggest things that I miss about the 30549. 

Other random weekend facts: I got my very first Christmas tree. In the past I have always had a tree that was handed down to us. Those are the best, but it was very nice to pick out one that I love and actually decided on. I cannot wait to put it up this week. (I want to wait on cooler weather. I also want every inch of the house to be cleaned first.) Strange? Yes, I am.
Monday was just a Monday. When it was over, I felt like the next day should be Thursday. However, this is our last week before Thanksgiving. We have an entire week off! Although Coach has wrestling practice, I plan to enjoy NOT setting an alarm. Oh wait, I never set an alarm. I rely on my husband to wake me up for thirty minutes straight. Ahhhhahhhaaaa. But, seriously, no school for a week will be oh so very nice! I plan to do some more extreme cleaning around my house. I just asked Coach if he would clean the bathrooms this week. I would have given ANYTHING to have taken a picture of his face. I asked, “Will you clean the bathrooms?” He heard, “Will you stab yourself in the foot will a dull knife?”
Ohhhh the joys.
I also may or may not be already putting some little random Christmas decorations up here and there…
I hope everyone has a great week! 3 more days!

Love love,

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