Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Weekend Trip to Charleston 2013

At the end of June one of my sweetest friends from college became a Mrs. The thing about EDU folks... you are under a ton of stress, you are all perfectionist, and you have a TON to do while earning your degree at ASU. So, with this being said, we all became GREAT friends. Mrs. Alexander was married at the most beautiful plantation in Charleston, Sc. Coach and I knew we were going to make it a weekend trip and could not wait to reunite with all of my sweet, sweet friends!

After school Friday we loaded the car up and drove straight to SC. It was an amazing drive and it did not take us long AT ALL! (Those are the best road trips!)

It has been a year since I have seen my dear friend, Amy. I almost cried when we saw her and her husband at the hotel. (I probably did cry from laughing so hard at the texts leading up to our reunion!)

We checked in, and unloaded our bags then did what we do best... set out to find the perfect seafood location for dinner.

I love there were so many moments spent laughing! I love my friends!

After dinner we walked around the beautiful town and just enjoyed being able to see the city without 90,000+ people that were there when we last visited for the CRBR. Coach and I both agreed that we love the city even more when we can enjoy it without roads being closed and the city at its max capacity.

One fact about me is that I love going places, but I am the WORST hotel sleeper ever. I actually fell asleep pretty easily (I did have to work that day!) But, I woke up at 6:30am ready to go. I made the vow that I was going to leave my running gear at home and just enjoy a weekend. Well, of course I was up 2 hours before everyone and could have actually LOVED going out for a run while the others got up and moving.
memories! (this is to remind me that Amy takes HOURS to get ready...)

I wasted time that morning walking around in Target as soon as they opened. Time well spent to me! Then once our crew was ready, we decided to go to the city and walk the market and streets. I love the feel that Charleston gives. I could seriously walked around all day! Not to mention many of my favorite places all on one street... JCrew, Kate Spade, Southern Tide. (While typing, I am noticing that I am proving Coach's theory of double names....)
Aren't they so cute?!

At lunch we found a great little BBQ place that was featured in Southern Living. Then we hit up a sweet shop and decided that since this was a mini vacation, we were going to treat it like a vacation and have some fudge. (Or several.) Since there were so many of us, we knew we needed to get back and start getting ready for the evening's festivities.

On the way I noticed that there was a Tanger Outlet. I did a quick google search and learned that they had a Michal Kors outlet. For about a year I have been obsessed with wanting a nice, beautiful watch. I have convinced myself that I would never pay that much for a watch, and I have even bought several cheap watches. Of course, they all break, or die. We even went shopping on my birthday for the one I had my heart set on and I chickened out. I seriously just could not do it. After working the entire summer... I decided it was time that I bought the beauty.

I honestly have not had a single regret. I am in love!

Then it was time to get back, get ready, and get to the wedding!

It was a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple! It was so amazing to see everyone and dance the night away... Seriously danced the night away! Not a single detail was left out! The scenery was absolutely breath taking. After planning my own wedding, I have some major respect for Paige! She did an amazing job! We had a blast!

The next morning I was up again at 6am without a pair of running shoes... Coach and I decided to drive to Tybee Island on the way home to visit some friends that were on vacation. It was amazing to catch up with them and spend time with their family at the beach. Coach's heart was full from visiting his very first boss that lead us to where we are now. Plus, I am always down for visiting some of the sweetest ladies that walk the Earth!

This weekend was probably the best weekend of the summer! I love looking at the pictures and just smiling at where we all are now... and how thankful I am that we never have to write an ISL again!

Love love,

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