Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012, I WILL Love you!

Hello friends! I am super sorry I am so behind. I need to get my act together. I may add that to my resolution list. Speaking of lists.... I suppose you would like to hear about my plans for 2012. I think I am going to work hard on a true "30 Before 30 List" (thanks to my sweet friend Dana's blog) this year, but for now... Here are some of my plans for 2012. I say PLANS because "New Year's Resolution" sounds like a plan to fail to me. Only to me though. Don't let my Nancy Negative tendencies get you down.


  1. Follow God's plan for me and my family. I have a slight problem with wanting to know every little thing about every little thing. This is something that I need to "leave at the cross." I know that God has a wonderful plan for me. He is always in control, and to God be the glory. I need to remember this. All year... and really FOREVER! 
  2. I really want to PRAY MORE. I pray when I need God's assistance. I would really like to learn to pray to thank him for all that he has already assisted me with. For example, (this is really hard to admit)  If I need help with something, I pray that God will help me. Once the obstacle is over, I often forget to thank God. I am going to get better at saying THANK YOU!
  3. Change my eating habits. UGH... El Cent you are my #1. Chicken and cheese nachos with mushrooms and onions, I love you. However, you are really starting to hang around my gut too much. I cannot be having that. I am married now, and Facebook has shown me that folks gain too much weight after their wedding. (again, this is probably not you. I swear!) I really, really, really want to be in good shape my entire life. I am seriously the person that is in a better mood when my clothes fit, and I have my normal amount of energy. Being in shape is good for me. I need to always remember this. Plus, a friend of mine just had a baby. She was in great shape. The 'baby weight' seriously remained in the hospital. She walked out wearing pre-pregnancy jeans. Yeah. 
  4. Run another 1/2 marathon. I ran one two weeks before my wedding. I was not ready for the awesomeness that it took. This year, I will be ready, and full of awesomeness. I thought I was training for one in Charleston on March 31. However, I am a goon, and it is really only a 10K. So, hey, now I will have extra time to improve my level of awesomeness. But, this means that I have to run a half in the summer. Woof!
  5. Love all of the sweet babies in my life the same.  I love being in education. I cannot wait to be a mommy, but, until then, I get to love 22 babies like they are my own. I get to read to them, teach them, and most of all, teach them how to love. I love love love every single day that I walk into the school. I am not just saying that. I seriously miss my sweet kiddies on the weekend. I would never tell my husband this. He may smack me. Hey, he has the right. He teaches middle school! He loves them too! At dinner every night he asks about each of them by name. :) 
  6. THE FINAL NUMBER... No more sodas, or alcohol for the entire 2012. I am seriously addicted to soda. I probably drink 3 cans a day. I know. Horrible. No more. It changes this year. This may mean that I have to stay away from the in law's house because they always have the BEST Coca-Cola. As for alcohol: no more for the year of 2012; and probably beyond. I am a naturally "high" person. No, seriously. I can walk in a room and be super excited about something and folks would swear I have been drinking all day. Nope. It's just my personality.  My body is a temple, and I care what I put in it. Plus, I just want to see the benefits of how my body reacts. Today is January 4, 2012. Milk, chocolate milk, juice, water, and coffee is all that I have had. 4 down, 362 to go. 

Now, I know you want to know what we did to ring in the New Year. Well, we went to hang out with some great cousins of ours. Blake and Julie! We went to Athens and stayed at a beautiful hotel. A group of people went to dinner. Yay! Shokitini! My NEW FAVORITE. I love you, UGA rolls! Then we went to the Melting Point and saw an old school rock band. Seriously, I was the youngest person by 15 years. It was so much fun! Here are some great pictures. 
Me and Blake

My cute shoes that I made!

Julie and I
Happy January everyone! Here is proof that it is finally getting cold!
Love love,

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