Sunday, March 22, 2015


How far? 
13 weeks. (and two days!) 
No makeup. Mr. leaves too early so he was rushing me.

Baby Cain is the size of a sweet Georgia peach. Another favorite. 
This week was officially the BUMP week. I woke up one morning... and bam. There was a bump. I am so thankful that folks know that I am expecting now. I no longer have to hear the, "Mrs. Cain is gaining some weight!" Now I get to hear, "Mrs. Cain! You have a baby bump!" 
Yes. Yes. I do. 

How I am feeling: 
And then on week 13 God said, "Let there be energy!" 
Seriously, I have felt great. I would LOVE an afternoon nap but we had two away games this week. Other than that, I have felt amazing. As long as I eat every two hours... I am good. So bring on the food! 

Maternity Clothes? 
Week 13, Day 1: I wore my first pair of maternity pants. Jeans. I LOVED them. Love. Love. Love. 
This is rather huge for me because I don't like wearing jeans. Ha. So officially, I am wearing a few maternity pieces. 

See Coach, nothing from last spring fits.... except my beloved Tory Burch sandals. Such a worthy purchase. : ) 

Best Moment of the Week: 
So many amazing moments in one week! 
Thursday, March 19th we had our second doctor's appointment. We got a small glimpse of Baby Cain. I knew what to look for so I saw the most perfect little baby ever. Coach only saw the heart beating and a head. These appointments don't last long enough! They go by so fast! I do LOVE my doctor. We could talk about running the entire appointment. I do wish I could chill out on the research. Since I read EVERYTHING... I don't have many questions when I go. If a question arises I just research several views and then I am good to go. She understands this and is totally fine with it. She says it's best to be educated! Love her. 
My stats and labs were perfect. I have gained a total of 2 pounds which I was seriously thinking it was 22 pounds. Thanks to some amazing vitamins, I have perfect labs even with a not so perfect diet.

After the appointment we were able to go visit a sweet friend and their new baby. He was perfect. Melt my heart. Somehow I didn't take any pictures. This gives me a reason to go back soon. 

Saturday was prom. I was so blessed to be a part of my darling kiddo's day. Time please slow down. These babies will drive to practice this year. I will cry for sure. I think they are absolutely beautiful! HOWEVER, they are always beautiful! Even after rockin' a 5k! 

Saturday evening we went to pick out paint colors. The painter has an opening Monday to paint. We decided on two shades of ivory. If Baby Cain is a girl we will add the soft pink as an accent for pillows and throws. If Baby Cain is a boy we will add red accents. Coach wanted to be sure "Trojan Blue" went with the ivory too. However, I am team pink or red. 

Which brings me to the "What gender do you want?" I can honestly say that I 100% do not care. I just want a healthy baby. For the first 9 weeks I was convinced it was a boy. I LOVE our boy name we have picked out. I will LOVE the face people make because it is SOOO unique. But now after three hundred changes I LOVE our girl name. Again, super unique. I guess we will wait until September to find out. :) 

Food cravings: 
I just love food. I was on a shrimp kick for two weeks but Saturday night I officially said, "I'm over it." That seems to be the trend. I love a food for two weeks then I'm over it. On to the next obsession...

Stretch marks: 
None. My belly button hurts. It feels like it may tear apart soon. My skin is also super itchy. I still use lotion and oil. HUGE for me. I hate lotion. 

Looking Forward to: 
I am going to enjoy the ten school days before spring break. I know folks are excited for the end of the year to come. I am absolutely not. I LOVE my babies this year. I know I will sob in May. I have HUGE goals to meet before May so I am going to use each moment soaking up the precious things with them. 
My eyes started watering last night in the yard when I was talking to my neighbor about her baby (that is in my class) going to prom in ten years! Ummmmm..... time slow down! 

Pictures next week. :) I think this week I will make the window treatment purchase this week. 

Sweet Baby Dub: 
A mess. A crazy mess. 

Words just cannot explain. I pray God can read my heart and my thankfulness. We are so thankful and too blessed to even say. 

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