Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday's Outburst

Have you ever heard the saying, “If we all tossed our problems in a pile, we would see the others and run to grab ours back!”??? Well, I try my absolute hardest to live by this motto. The first time I heard it was at church one Sunday when Jeff was preaching. I love Jeff, and I love his preaching so like many other little lessons, this has truly stuck with me.
I am trying to blog more and more. I love all of the sweet comments I am getting. (If you are reading this now, please give a shout out so I know who is enjoying this little masterpiece. J ) I was just browsing through some old posts, and I realized that I am guilty of only blogging about the peachy things in my life. Now… Let me start off by saying, I live an absolute amazing life. I love the woman I have become. (TOOTTOOT.) I love my husband, my family, my friends, my job, my home, and my sweet Dubby. BUUUTTTT…. From time to time… things really seem BBBBLLLLAAaahhHHH. Today I would like to take a moment to let you know all of the BBBLLLLAHHHHHHHH going on in the life of Carley:

1.    Friday my dog decided to eat a bottle of OmegaPlex. (Fish Oil) Well, it couldn’t be a bottle that was half empty… it was completely full. Missing 2 pills. Of all days for it to be on, it was Friday. I value my marriage WAY TOOOO much to call Coach with a panic attack on Friday. So, I sat here in the chair, and thought, “What would Brandon do?” So, I googled. “What if your dog eats Fish Oil?” Like a Google pro, I read the first article that popped up. “My dog at ONE pill, will he die?” Great!!! My dog ate 88!! So, I took the monster to the vet. He beeboped right on in there like it was the Holiday Inn. Not feeling anything out of the ordinary… or “fishy” shall we say? She said he would be fine, just may puke and poop a ton. He will also stink. Well, all weekend he was a walking fish tank. I spent my entire weekend with him… to make sure he wouldn’t puke a Captain D's or anything. He didn’t. Until today. The day that we have to go to work. I just cleaned up about 5 piles of dog vomit. Yay!!
2.  Following the catastrophe on Friday, we lost. I hate losing. Seriously.
3.  Have you ever heard of “Love Bugs?” Not the cars, and not two teenagers. These little black bugs that are harmless. Well, they are here. And they are driving me CRAZZZYYYYY. Literally a thousand of them are on our porch. (Dead causing ants.) They have covered my car, and they land on you when you are outside. I hate them. I tell EVERRRYONE that I hate them. They call me a Georgia Yankee. Yeah… these little pests don’t exist in Jefferson. Sick of them.
4.  I hate chicken with a bone in it. Well, that is what we are having for dinner. Wahhhhh…..
5.  There is a load of laundry in the dryer that needs to be folded. Don’t. Wanna. Fold. It.
6.  Speaking of laundry. I am married to a man that HATES dirty clothing in the hamper. If there is a shirt and some socks in there, he wants to wash a load. This is the EXACT opposite of me. But, my guilt and love for him, and his twitching that occurs when he walks past the hamper has me constantly washing and folding clothes.
7.   I don’t have a dishwasher. Enough said.
8.  From the amount of miles I have put in this month, my toes are KILLINGGG me.
9.  I miss my Mama, and my BFF Befis. She has a new BF, and I have not met him. This is a situation.
10.                    Rylie is in Pre-K and learning so much, and I haven’t seen her to hear all about it.
Ten things are ten things too many to complain about. So, to keep everyone in a HAPPY MONDAY mood, I decided to tell you why all of this is OKKKKK.

1.    Dub is alive and kicking. Well, alive and sleeping oh so preciously on the couch.

2.  You win some and you lose some. We play again on Friday. Let’s win!
3.  Love Bugs are easily vacuumed up by the amazing Dyson that I have. Also, I was told they will be gone soon. They only visit for a month or so….
4.  Food is food, and I am thankful to have the means to provide a dinner for my family.
5.  At least I have clothes to wear to work each day… and a working washer and dryer to clean them with.
6.  Coach has his quirks, and I have mine. I will continue to wash laundry as long as he continues to make the bed each morning even though I am CLEARLY the last one out. (The rule in the house: The last one out of bed makes it.) He also still loves me even though I am by NO means a morning person.

7.   I have an amazing kitchen that I love, and running water to clean them with. Even if it is in the sink, by hand.
8.  I am still able to run.
9.  I am going to see my Mama on Sunday!!!!
10.                    Rylie will be with her!!!!!!!  (Maybe Beth can make an early appearance, and bring Cam-o.)
I hope everyone can excuse the Nancy Negative roll that I brought to everyone. Sometime… life isn’t always peachy!

Love Love,


  1. I'm still reading and love it!! Sometimes a girl's just gotta your positive spin on it!! :)

  2. I'm relative new to reading your blog, but I love it! Thanks for the "Thankful" list!


The Real Life Coach's Wife Life

 In 2011 blogging was a bit of a lengthy status update for social media. Coach and I moved away from "home" and it was just a fun ...